Disability support providers are an essential part of government infrastructure for anyone who works with people with disabilities.

This guide will help you understand the NDIS scheme, what it covers, and how to apply for support.

What is NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded scheme in Australia that was launched in 2013. It is designed to help people with disabilities get the support they need to live independently.

NDIS is different from other disability services in a few ways.

First, it is funded by the government, so it is not tied to individual income or private insurance premiums.

Second, it covers everyone who needs it, regardless of whether they have private or public health insurance.

Finally, NDIS provides a range of support services, including financial assistance, accommodation and access to social and recreational activities.

To be eligible for NDIS benefits, you must meet certain conditions: you must be aged 17 or over; have a physical or mental condition that limits your ability to work or carry out everyday activities; and be registered with an Australian disability service provider.

Once you are registered with an Australian disability service provider, you can start applying for NDIS benefits.

To find out more about NDIS, check out the website or speak to your local disability service provider.

How Can NDIS Help You?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national scheme in Australia that will provide financial support and services to people with disabilities.

The NDIS is open to everyone, including workers, employers, and community organizations.

The NDIS will help people with disabilities get the support they need to live independently and participate fully in society.

It will provide funding for essential items such as access to transport, housing, health care and employment. The NDIS will also help people with disabilities achieve their full potential, both socially and economically.

If you work with people with disabilities, you should be aware of the NDIS. You should also be prepared to participate in the Scheme’s planning process so that you can ensure that your organization is best suited to receive funding from the Scheme.

Things to Know About Working with People With Disabilities

People with disabilities can have unique needs that must be considered when planning and implementing an intervention or service. Here are some things to know about working with people with disabilities: 

1. It is important to remember that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, which means that the same intervention or service may be more effective for one person than for another. It is also important to tailor interventions and services to meet the specific needs of the individual.

2. Furthermore, it is important to communicate effectively with people with disabilities. This means being patient, understanding their communication style, and being sensitive to their cultural background.

3. People with disabilities may require special accommodations in order to participate in everyday activities such as shopping, eating out, or going on vacation. It is essential to discuss any accommodation requests in advance so that everyone is on the same page.

4. People with disabilities often experience feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can make it difficult for them to participate in social activities. It is helpful to create a supportive environment where people can feel comfortable sharing their experiences and thoughts.

5. It is important not to stereotype people with disabilities or view them as unable or unworthy of participation in mainstream society. Instead, it is important to see them as individuals who deserve recognition and respect for their unique talents and contributions

How does the NDIS work?

The NDIS is a three-part program: Part A pays for basic needs such as housing, transport and medical expenses.

Part B pays for additional needs, such as special equipment or services needed because of a disability.

And Part C provides financial assistance to allow participants to live independently in their own home or community.

The total cost of the NDIS will depend on your income and the number of children and dependents you have. You will need to apply for Part A and B through your state/territory’s Disability Services


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is quickly becoming a vital part of Australian life. If you work with people with disabilities, then this essential guide is for you.

In it, we discuss everything you need to know about the NDIS and how it will help to improve the lives of those who rely on it.

We also provide tips on how to prepare for the scheme’s launch and answer common questions about it.

So whether you work in social services, disability support, or another field that interacts with people with disabilities, make sure to read this guide!