Tips to Get Over the Imposter Syndrome

Everybody has experienced the feeling of undeserved success at least once in their lifetime. However, if that is a recurring reaction to any positive event in your life, you might be dealing with imposter syndrome.

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Especially with the rise of social media, the feeling of not doing enough only intensifies after regular mindless scrolling.

Imposter syndrome is quite dangerous due to its paralyzing power over a person. You can easily miss out on great opportunities and even jeopardize your career by giving into self-doubt.

But the good news is that there are ways to combat it. Here are seven working tips that will help you to beat imposter syndrome.   

Recognize The Feeling And Its Signs

Half of your success is recognizing the development of imposter syndrome. For example, you might be struggling to complete all assignments on time.

You’d probably search for “write my essay for me” services and feel as not good enough of a student. However, you’re just prioritizing your time, so you can spend it on building up the skills you need.

Thus, the key to battling this syndrome is to deconstruct the emerging feelings into rational explanations before they spiral. To do so, you have to learn to recognize the signs that grow into feeling like an imposter. Notice these small uncomfortable itches and rationalize them as soon as possible.  

Free Yourself From Perfectionism

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The number one reason for feeling like an imposter is striving for perfection. Of course, doing your best is an admirable trait. But you’re much more likely to do nothing if you’re chasing an unattainable ideal.

The perfectionism trap doesn’t let you complete the task, or often doesn’t even let you start.

Focus on getting it done with all the assets you have currently. Even though you’re gonna make mistakes, that would be the exact way you learn and become better.

Do not be afraid of doing something wrong, and come to terms with it. Accepting the natural way of human error is pivotal to avoiding feeling like an imposter. 

Drop The Comparison

On the same topic of striving for an ideal, you’d want to drop comparing yourself to other people and their successes. It is okay to look up to someone.

However, feeling inadequate in comparison to others and competing with them would get you imposter syndrome in no time. What you see in others’ success is just at surface level.

Instead, focus on yourself. The only healthy comparison to avoid feeling like an imposter is with your past self. Remember to practice self-compassion and focus on how far you’ve come on your journey.

Everyone has different life paths, so there’s no use in comparing yourself to only the images of other people.  

Put The Frown Upside Down

Another useful tip is to focus on what you’ve achieved already the moment you start feeling inadequate. Negative self-talk is a powerful destructive habit.

Turn it into positive reinforcement instead to battle the imposter syndrome. Try to shift your attention to your achievements step by step.

For instance, if you’re working on an important project and feel not good enough for it, remind yourself why you were assigned to it in the first place.

You’ve been acknowledged by your superior and trusted to work on the project. Thus, you totally deserve this chance to prove yourself and move further in your career.

Thus, when doubting your abilities for the job, focus on the following:

  1. your excellent skills 
  2. previous positive feedback from your superiors
  3. how far you’ve come in comparison to your past self 

Reframe the negative emotions, and you’ll see the imposter syndrome stepping back.    

Don’t be Afraid To Share

Sometimes despite all the efforts, the feeling of being an imposter just overflows you. That is the time when you’ll benefit from a confidant you can share your feelings with.

It can be anyone from your friend to your coworker. The point is to have someone who understands how you feel and can listen to you in times of crisis.

Have a clear understanding of how these conversations work. Make sure that the person is available and in a proper mental state.

Tell them that you need to share some intense emotions before lashing out. Share your honest feelings and fears but always remember to be respectful to another person and respect their boundaries.

Look For A Mentor

If the feelings of imposter syndrome are especially strong and do not go away for whatever you do, consider looking for a mentor. Unlike confidence, a mentor is supposed to guide you and provide the necessary support.

Notably, this is not a therapist but someone who can help you navigate through the feelings in your working life.

A mentor is an objective influential voice that you need when struggling to trust your judgment. This is a person that will help you to acknowledge your progress and to re-focus on positive outcomes.

So if you’re feeling in need of extra help, do not hesitate to find a mentor to guide you through.    

Celebrate Success

As it might be evident already, a huge part of getting over the imposter syndrome is recognizing your success. One of the biggest issues of feeling like an imposter is ignoring your achievements. You always feel like you cannot take credit for the work you’ve done and enjoy success.

Make sure to congratulate yourself on a milestone and share it with others. Celebrate the end of the huge project and recognize your effort and achievement.

It can be treating yourself to something you have wanted for a long time or even going out with friends for an occasion. Choose what works for you, and acknowledge your success.   

That’s about it. Recognize the symptoms of the imposter syndrome early and rationalize the negative feelings, let go of the perfect results, do not compare yourself to others, reinforce negative self-talk, ask for help from other people if needed, and make sure to celebrate your progress. Use these seven tips and get over the stagnating imposter syndrome for good.